Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Different Perspective

Last weekend was Homecoming Weekend at the University of North Texas. As a part of the events, the Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) hosted an alumni reception. Since Austin wasn't very interested in meeting BSM Alumni, he asked if he could take pictures with my camera. I had so much fun today remembering the luncheon through Austin's eyes. He gave me a whole new perspective on our day.

Daddy acting weird
Ryan's head

The rest of Ryan's body

girls talking

mom saying hello

looking up at dad

As I looked through the pictures I realized that life looks very different to my two year old's eyes than mine. Chair's are larger, tables are too high, adults are huge, letters are just objects.

Sure, Ryan is 6' 5", but to mom he's really not "that tall!"
But to Austin, it takes two camera shots to even get him in the picture.

As I sit at my desk tonight looking at my library books, I too feel like the world is so big. I have a paper due this week, bills to be paid, lesson plans to complete, friends to contact, birthday presents to buy... well, you understand.

And yet God is viewing our lives from such a different perspective - holding us in his hands and saying, "trust me, it's not as big as it looks."

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That is the coolest idea and the coolest correlation ever... THANK YOU!