Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A New School Day

"For I know the plans that I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future!" Jeremiah 29:11

Austin and one of his teachers, Miss Tatiana (who he absolutely adores! So do I!!!)

When Austin was born two years ago, I never dreamed that I would allow him to go to school at age 2! I imagined that I would have six kids, stay at home all day, cook, clean, and just be a wife and mom. After about six months of staying home (not necessarily cooking or cleaning!), I felt God pressing my heart in a new direction - a PhD program. Are you sure, Lord?

Oh, the Lord's plans for our life truly are more than we could ever ask, dream or imagine. As soon as I stepped back into the classroom to teach MDO last year, I felt complete peace about going back to school (and work). I love teaching... and can I just admit that I love working, I love being back in school, I love being a mom to just one, and I don't love cooking or cleaning (sorry, James).

There are days when I just don't want to get out of bed at all, but I am just thankful that the Lord is in control of my life instead of me!

My class with Ms. Spencer (my co-teacher)

Austin arriving at school today. It is very early (which explains his blank stare!) This is the Wednesday uniform (for Chapel day!) How cute!!!

The front of our classroom

Bulletin boards

We are learning the short i sound this week

Birthday chart

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Kind Heart

An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.
Proverbs 12:25

It has been a little while since I posted, so I have several new stories to share. Last week, Austin and I went to the refrigerator to choose some juice for his "after nap drink." I always let him step up on the fridge and show me his drink of choice. Today, as he stepped up, his foot slipped knocking the bottom section of the refrigerator off the frame.

I sat down on the floor and tried and tried to fix the refrigerator. I probably spent 15 minutes sitting on the floor in pure frustration with my lack of handy-woman skills.

Finally, I decided that I would just need to take a picture to send to my mom (the queen of fix-it) so that she could tell me what to do!

As I sat there on the floor, Austin drank his juice and just watched me. I became so frustrated with myself and finally said, "Why can't I figure this out?!!!"
Austin took both his hands and put them on my cheeks - holding my face in his two year old hands. He said, "No mom, I do it" and then he picked up the broken piece and tried his best to fix the refrigerator for me. It was so pure, so tender, so precious to see Austin show such sensitivity. I just sat back and watched him try to fix the refrigerator for me, and as I just sat back, I noticed some writing on the broken piece - and suddenly, it dawned on me, I had been putting the piece on UPSIDE DOWN! Austin did fix our refrigerator that day. His act of compassion caused me to sit back and look at the problem with new eyes - eyes that could finally see the solution to the problem.

The first day of School!

"Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring in some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility- 4 young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king's palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians." Daniel 1:3-4

Today was Austin's official first day of preschool! I want to just eat him up he is so cute in his little uniform! He had a wonderful day and came home telling me all about the playground, art, and his new friends! I love the fact that Austin loves learning. I have always loved school (hence, the continued education that never seems to stop), and I would love for Austin to enjoy school as much as I always have! I want school to be a place of safety, of respect, of unspeakable joy. I believe that with sound learning, we place ourselves in the very best position for God to use us for the plans that He has for us!

Tonight as I put Austin to bed, I held him in my arms and prayed for him on his bedroom floor (our typical bedroom routine..) This evening, however, I prayed with a new passion for Austin's learning, for his friends, for his teachers, and for myself.

"Lord, please allow school to be a positive experience for sweet Austin. I pray that you would give his teachers great patience! I ask that you would surround him with friends, and I pray that he would always be protected and safe at school (both physically and emotionally). I pray that through school, Austin would fall in love with Jesus!"

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Reason #438 Why I love Teaching

Because you cannot help but be happy when your dining room table looks like this!

"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise!"
Psalm 8:2

What a powerful verse! I actually found this verse while looking up a text about swimming - I'll explain more later, but I just thought that it was so meaningful while raising a two year old. God has ordained praise even from the lips of infants! Maybe all that screaming the first weeks of life is just praising Jesus:)

We have had a great weekend. The start of a new school year is upon us and we are busy with buying school supplies, getting organized, finalizing lesson plans, and hanging out with our college friends again. On Friday night we had a Leadership Team BBQ for the BSM Leadership. We ate hamburgers and got to go swimming.

Stephanie teaching Austin about the "hot" fire!

Austin starts by getting his feet wet!

Austin is a little cautious at first.
Austin's friend, Taylor Peterman (2 weeks younger than Austin)

Soon both kids were fully in the water!

We had such a great evening with the college students and the Peterman family. We are so excited about the new year ahead of us and all that the Lord has in store for our family and the students at UNT. While I was looking up a verse for the word Swim, I came across Psalm 8. I would love to include the entire chapter as it is a precious reminder of praise this busy time of year!

Psalm 8
O Lord, our Lord
How majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.

From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.

When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
The moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,

What is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?

You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor

You made him ruler over the works of your hands
you put everything under his feet:

all flocks and herds
and the beasts of the filed,

The birds of the air,
and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.

O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Another Cooking Lesson

Isaiah 55:2 "Why spend money money on what is not bread and your labor on what does not satisfy. Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good and your soul will delight in the richest of fare!"

Last night I decided that Austin needed a new challenge in the kitchen, so we created Turkey Wraps together for dinner. We started by using our awesome chopper (thanks Aunt Kendra), which Austin absolutely loves. He helps me cut tomatoes, onions, cheese (I stick everything in this little choppy dooby.)

After we were done chopping, I showed Austin how to gently use a spoon to transfer tomatoes to our wraps. Notice how hard he is concentrating! He has that little tongue sticking right out:)

Unfortunately, I lost my helper when it came time to put the turkey on our wraps. I looked over and this is what I saw!

I started this blog with one of my favorite verses from Isaiah. I love how the Word of God is described as food, as bread, as richly satisfying food. I think I love this metaphor because I love good food. I love the feeling of satisfaction after eating a delicious meal, and I love the thought of being that satisfied in my relationship with the Lord.

"Lord, I pray that Austin will find satisfaction in you! I ask that just as he craves food throughout his life, he would also crave time with you in your Word. I pray that he will find nourishment and strength in living a life for You."

Monday, August 11, 2008

Swimming, Swimming, Swimming

We have had a busy few days. I have been collating curriculum for my new teaching job, so my living room floor is covered in worksheets!

In the mornings, I have been balancing my time between my old job (mother's day out) and my new job as a PreK teacher at FBC Denton's Child Development Center. I can't wait to keep you updated about my new class.

In the meantime, Austin has been very busy playing, learning and growing. His new favorite word is SWIMMING! Austin talks about swimming all the time (especially since he has started watching the Olympics with us this week. He wants to swim in his bathtub, swim in Miss Kelsey's pool, and swim in our backyard pool. Tonight when he talked to the grandparents, he wanted to tell them all about swimming.

I haven't had my camera for a few days, so here are some pictures of Austin getting ready for bed tonight. What has my son so captivated? Mickey Mouse? Blue's Clues? Wonder Pets? No, he is watching SWIMMING on tv.

However, he soon noticed that I had my camera out, and my son is not camera shy at all!

Yes, in these pictures, Austin is wearing his dinosaur pajamas, brushing his teeth with his crayola toothbrush, AND....
WEARING MOMMY'S BOOTS! I can't make this stuff up. This is honestly Austin's outfit tonight as he is watching Olympic swimming.

Oh, my precious boy!

Friday, August 8, 2008

I'm dreaming of a... cooler summer!

Our temperature the last few weeks can only be described as HOT! HOT HOT HOT!

We have had record heat in Denton with daily temperatures typically reaching 102, 107, or 105. Last night as I was looking through old pictures, I came across some of our pics from March. I can't believe that it was snowing a few months ago.

So, here is a blog dedicated to cooler days gone by and the hope that September will bring some outside play weather once again!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The strange facts of this two year old's life...

Orientations are finally over at the University of North Texas, and students will begin arriving any day to move into their "second home" - the cube that is known as a dorm room.

I will never forget my own orientation to college - completely terrifying and exciting all at the same time. I was finally entering the dream of "college life," but I was leaving behind everything comfortable, everything familiar, and everything known.

I want to pull aside every single student at orientation and say, "You are going to be okay! We are here for you!" I want to pull aside every single parent and say, "You are going to be okay!" (The parents at orientation typically look more terrified than the students.)

So, here are some pictures from summer orientations!

The BSM table

One of the 9 orientation sessions at UNT.

James telling someone about the BSM.

Austin helping Stephanie pass out candy to the new students.

Have I told you that Austin thinks he's a college student?

Hiding under the bed

"No one lights a lamp and hides it under a bed...
Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light." Luke 8:16

Tonight I walked into the house to the sound of constant giggles.
This way, dada... no, this way!

James and Austin were in the middle of a rousing game of hide and go seek. I followed the sounds of laughter to the guest bedroom, where I immediately saw Austin - hiding under the bed.

He had decided to play hide and go seek wearing his diaper and blue shoes. This is exactly how he was hiding!
I love how he is closing his eyes so that his daddy won't be able to find him, even with his blue shoes hanging out from under the bed. Seconds later I found daddy...
Under the second guest bed immediately across from Austin. This is a typical night in my house. Lots of laughter, lots of running, lots of tickles, and lots of hide and go seek! While Austin is still working out the techniques of the game, I love how he hides his eyes with both hands, and counts to ten. I know that it won't be long before he improves and I can no longer find him by looking for his blue shoes.

"Father, help us to be shining lights in our home, in our neighborhood, and in our world. James and I don't want to hide our "light" for you under the bed. We want to let the world see Jesus through our lives. We ask that Austin will not have to search for examples of Christ in his home. I pray that they would be evident in our speech and actions. I ask that as the new school year quickly approaches, you would help us shine at school!"

Saturday, August 2, 2008

He Put a Song in my Heart!

My life is like a Disney musical. I am known to just break out in song! - unknown

I love to sing. I love to hear other people sing. Even if the other person can't carry a tune. I love knowing that something in their life is causing a song in their heart. So, last night when we were invited to a children's choir performance at Denton Bible Church, I couldn't say no! There is nothing better than hearing children sing! So, off we went to hear MacKenzie and Casey sing their heart out about Jesus.

MacKenzie (7) and Casey (10) - Ms. Carrie's daughters

Austin giving flowers to MacKenzie.

One of my favorite families!

Austin waiting for the girls after the show to give them their flowers.

When I think of music, I am reminded of Fanny Crosby, writer of over 9000 gospel hymns.
At the age of 6 weeks, Fanny Crosby lost all her eyesight due to a rare illness. Later in life a pastor spoke to her sympathetically about her blindness.
Fanny replied, ""Do you know that if at birth I had been able to make one petition, it would have been that I should be born blind?" "Why?" asked the surprised clergyman. "Because when I get to heaven, the first face that shall ever gladden my sight will be that of my Savior!"

Of all her 9000 songs, one was so private, that Fanny wouldn't share it with anyone. At a service led by D.L. Moody, Pastor Moody asked Fanny to get up in share a short testimony. After a brief hesitation, Fanny shared that one song was so personal she only sang it to herself. From her lips came the beautiful hymn.

Someday the silver cord will break,
and I no more as now shall sing;
but oh, the joy when I shall wake
within the palace of the King!
And I shall see Him face to face,
and tell the story--saved by grace!

Of all the prayers I pray for Austin, one is so personal and so sincere, that it is only said in the quiet of my own heart. It is a prayer that Austin will come to know this grace of Jesus at a very young age. Every night when I lay him down, I say a prayer over him that says, "Lord, help Austin to sleep soundly tonight. I ask that you would protect him and keep him safe. I ask that he would understand how much you love him and come to know you at a young age."

Years ago, I was babysitting for the precious Jim Sorenson family. Their daughter, about 4 at the time, knelt next to her bed and prayed, "Jesus, thank you for this day. I pray that I will accept you at a young age." She was obviously repeating a prayer that she heard her own parents pray over her every night, but I was so touched. I want Austin to know that same prayer.

But in the quietness of my heart, I extend that prayer to ask the Lord to reveal himself to Austin, to show himself in a mighty way to my son, for Austin to love Jesus more than he ever loves anything.

I want him to fully understand perhaps the most famous words of Fanny Crosby...

Blessed Assurance, Jesus is MINE
Oh what a foretaste of glory divine!